Tuesday, January 3, 2012


This is a page from my old Moleskine notebook. I ran into it while looking for something else. Seeing it, I remember how I longed to do what is truly mine. Losing the corporate job I had at the time threw me into a whole other world altogether where I have all the time in the world to do my art. Thus came the question, what is it that I really want? What is it that is truly mine? Needless to say that I was scrambling, reaching for air...trying not to drown. It has been a long journey since then, but I came out of it as a better person. I have a better understanding of myself now...closer to my true self and what I am about. Although the journey will never be over, I am many many steps closer since then and glad of it. I feel tired and glad at the same time. Glad that the past is over and glad for the now and the future. Thanks Universe for what was and what is...and what will be. 2012 will be great!! Happy New Year all!!

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